8 Surprising Facts About Australian Drinking Habits

    Australia, a nation of drunks, right?

    Australians are well known as the drunkiest drunks who ever drunked, right?

    The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has released some new date on Australian drinking habits and some of it may surprise you.

    Here are eight surprising facts about alcohol consumption in Australia.

    1. Australians drinking levels per person are the lowest in five decades.

    2. Australians are drinking less beer.

    3. But we're drinking more mid-strength, and less low-strength beer.

    4. But we fucking love wine.

    5. We prefer white to red.

    6. While consumption of most types of booze is decreasing, we're drinking more cider.

    7. There were 183.7 million litres of pure alcohol available for consumption from alcoholic beverages in Australia in 2013/14.

    8. That's 9.7 litres of pure alcohol for every Australian aged over 15.

    Just for funsies, here's Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott smashing a beer in six seconds.

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    And here's former PM Bob Hawke, then 82, doing the same thing.

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