28 Unsettling Animal Mashups That Should Probably Never Have Happened

    Courtesy of the often weird but always brilliant @animangles.

    1. Gorillaphant.

    2. Owlbit.

    3. Cheagle.

    4. Labracondor.

    5. Squibbit.

    6. Frony.

    7. Tigerilla.

    8. Squorse.

    9. Girandrill.

    10. Squirrow.

    11. Frat.

    12. Slothguin.

    13. Squat.

    14. Goat Stoat.

    15. Red Pandawk.

    16. Dugonkey.

    17. Spowl.

    18. Platypenguin.

    19. Meerkamel.

    20. Tiorang.

    21. Cowpard.

    22. Shat.

    23. Liotter.

    24. Ganouse.

    25. Fricket.

    26. Sparocodile.

    27. Dogeon.

    28. Catmeleon.