19 Things That Happen When You're Single AF During Christmas

    "Sweetie...your brother is bringing his new girlfriend this Christmas. Can you sleep on the futon next to the dog?"

    1. It's hard not to feel single AF during the festive season.

    2. Because it's a time where your singledom becomes extra apparent.

    3. And while everyone is doing coupley things, stressing over gifts and making arrangements for the holidays, you're doing this:

    4. But being single during Christmas is certainly NOT a bad thing.

    Being single at Christmas time isn't a bad thing, it just means you become the designated dog holder in all family photos

    5. Because you can indulge yourself in every possible way.

    6. Although you may get a condescending comment from a relative.

    7. At some point during the holidays, you will get completely shafted.

    8. And your love life, or lack thereof, will become a hot topic at the dinner table.

    9. So you'll take certain matters into your own hands.

    10. Which will invariably make things worse.

    11. You do get a little jealous when friends and family talk about the gifts they received from their significant others.

    12. But then you remember that you don't have to spend money on an S.O. or their parents/siblings/dog, so you can buy nice shit for yourself anyway.

    13. Like this very important wine glass.

    14. That will come in handy when you have to go to all of those Christmas events filled with couples that make you want to gouge your eyes out.

    15. On New Year's Eve you'll feel the pressure to be with someone again, because of that "all-important" midnight kiss.

    16. So there might be a moment where you will yearn for someone special.

    17. But that moment will pass when you realise you don't have to spend New Year's with potential in-laws like some of your friends.

    18. And that you can do whatever you goddamn like because you don't have to consult anyone.

    19. So keep living your best single life this holiday.