17 Special Indian Greeting Cards That Will Help You Say "I Love You"

    Leave the clichés to Bollywood – you're better than that.

    1. For when you're feeling devoted:

    2. For when you're feeling infatuated:

    3. For when you're feeling all-consuming, maddening, real love:

    4. For those moments you want to shout your love from the Newshour:

    5. For when things get so hot that they're roasted:

    6. For when you need to call upon some moving song lyrics:

    7. For when your love has 8 choruses, 19 bridges, and 400 verses:

    8. For that special someone who will make you stay longer than 49 days:

    9. For those of you who've been driven mad by the cricket World Cup starting on Valentine's Day:

    10. And are clinging desperately to hope:

    11. For when you want to **** and then maybe ******** and later some ********:

    12. For when you left home single, went for a walk, and came back married:

    13. For when the amount of adrak is juuust right:

    14. For when Bollywood's classics are too ambiguous:

    15. For when you and bae are katching up over koffee:

    16. For when the only way to praise Yo Yo Honey is to Singh:

    17. And, finally, when the stars are literally aligned: