18 Adorable Notes That Children Wrote About Their Loved Ones

    A is for "awwwwwwwwww." All notes sourced from Found Magazine.

    1. BFFs as an exclusive relationship.

    2. If you love something, let it go. Then pick it up.

    3. Saying sorry and moving on.

    4. Love tempered by pragmatism.

    5. "This is what you did."

    6. Yes or no? Maybe or never?

    7. Selling someone a ring for $2 is the new apologizing.

    8. The results are in.

    9. All good explorers leave the music on.

    10. L is for the way you look at me.

    11. "You try to make me happy and it works."

    12. Honestly, what's not to like about Waseem?

    13. Sometimes you gotta ask for help. Especially when monsters are involved.

    14. This looks pretttty familiar but the sentiment is appreciated.

    15. Between the lines.

    16. "We would be like birds flying in the air."

    17. "Teach me what to do and what not to do. Please."

    18. And, as an afterthought, I love you.

    H/t to Found Magazine for collecting the notes used in this post.