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Rain Check

Rapture Believer Mocked In Times Square At 6:05

Robert Fitzpatrick, author of The Doomsday Code (up until yesterday the definitive book about The Rapture) is mocked in Times Square following his failure to ascend into heaven.

Show Your Rapture Photos

All over the country people went buck naked into heaven leaving their worldly clothing behind. Add your photos of raptured friends, relatives, or even yourself.

Best Post-Rapture (bomb) Pictures

OH MY GOD. The Rapture is really happening! Just look at all the people disappearing in these pictures (via Gizmodo)

Sorry We Missed You Rapture Card

Such promptness and politeness should not go to waste. Fill out your own and leave for friends and neighbors.

Doom, Marvelous Doom!

May 21st. You still here? Fantastic! Watch this.

Will You Be Raptured?

I fear that by the time you read this it may be too late. If 6 p.m. May 21, 2011 has already come and gone by the time you read this and you've been left behind, here is a handy-dandy chart that will tell you where you went astray. Click to embiggen. (Via)

Rapture Hatch

THERE IS STILL TIME!!!! Don't let pesky roofs and ceilings keep you from the loving arms of the LORD!

BuzzFeed Last Supper / Rapture Lunch

Come Monday we have no way of knowing which BuzzFeed staffers will have ascended and which will be coming into the office to do the good internet's work. In honor of what could be our last day together, some of us gathered with our favorite foods for a BuzzFeed Last Supper / Rapture Lunch. What would you eat for your last meal?

9 Things That Could End the World at Any Time

With the end of the world rapidly approaching, it couldn't hurt to look at how it might all go down. Or in the unlikely event the world does not end on May 21, 2011, it's still nice to know there are at least 9 real world-ending things that don't necessarily require divine intervention to end all life as we know it. (Via)

Rapture Comic

This is totally gonna be me today when this Rapture shit goes down. (Via The Uniblog)

9 Essential Items For Your Post-Rapture Survival Kit

With only 3% of the world's population getting Raptured on Saturday, the rest of us better be prepared. Of course I'm not listing EVERYTHING you need. After all, how could I rule you all if I gave away my secret plan?

Millerism And The Great Disappointment

Harold Camping isn't the first self-proclaimed prophet to calculate a date for the rapture. In 1833, William Miller predicted the rapture would occur around 1843. The Millerite movement gradually gained followers in the early 1840s, culminating in the Great Disappointment when Jesus failed to appear in October, 1844. Despite their disappointment, the Millerites made some interesting theological charts. Take a moment and check them out.

20 Amazing Art Concepts Of Post-Rapture Landscapes

Sure at first it's all burning and screaming but after a decade or three it's serene and OH GOD MUTANT BIKER GANG! RUN! Looks like the number one accessory for post-Rapture survival is not water or food but good old fashioned spray paint.

A Rapture Prank

This is old but it is relevant again methinks.

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