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13 Lies Adults Tell That We Can’t Believe We Believed As Kids

If you sit down and think about it, you'll realize that that your teachers, parents, and camp counselors spent a solid decade punking you with ridiculous lies. When your kid gets fed one of these whoppers, brighten their day by making their favorite meal using Ragú®

1. If you make a silly face, it'll get stuck like that

2. If you go outside with wet hair, you'll get sick

3. TV is bad

4. The babysitter will play with you

5. Your Elementary school grades count

6. You're a musical prodigy

7. That cute puppy across the street is sick, so we can't go and pet it

8. Your goldfish/hamster/imaginary friend ran away

9. You have to wait an hour to swim after you eat or you'll get cramps

10. Maybe tomorrow...

11. If you swallow apple seeds, an apple tree will grow inside of you

12. We have to leave the store because it's closing

13. There are no more cookies