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23 People Who Shouldn't Be Allowed Near Food

There may never be one right way, but there will always be a lot of wrong ways.

1. Whoever chomped this stick of butter:

2. Any monster who would build a burrito like this:

3. The helpful friend who peeled "half" of the potatoes:

4. This girl:

5. Whoever was in charge of this project:

6. The monster who made this cake:

7. Whoever set up this store display:

8. And this one:

9. Annnnd this one:

10. Everyone from every infomercial, ever:

11. The person who did this:

12. This turtle:

13. This person who forgot how to banana:

14. Whoever thought microwaved cheese and bacon bits would make a great snack:

15. This confused individual:

16. The person who made these pancakes:

17. This baby who lost his battle with lunch:

18. This microwave baker:

19. This cook who couldn't believe no one had made "chocolate pasta" before:

20. The dinner guest who brought this "fancy" dessert:

21. The person who made sure this school cafeteria offered balanced options:

22. This misguided individual:

23. This kid: