26 Kinds Of People You Should Never Have Dinner With

    Honestly, I'd rather eat alone.

    1. People who refuse to pick a restaurant.

    2. People who always get too dressed up.

    3. People who refuse to try anything new, ever.

    (Don't be like Anderson. Be like Rino.)

    4. People who don't know how to wait for food.

    5. People with a crippling fear of noodle splatter.

    6. People who spend more time talking about the food than eating it.

    7. People who pretend to know a lot about wine.

    8. People who think the bottle of wine you order to share is their personal property.

    9. People who order something dumb and then get sad about it.

    10. People who take phone calls at the table.

    11. People who pack it in like they're about to fast for six months.

    12. People who refuse to share food.

    13. People...who....eat.....very......very........slowly.

    14. People who never learned any table manners.

    15. People who can't handle hibachi.

    16. People who aren't responsible enough to have a steak knife.

    17. People who have to make sure you notice how healthy they're being.

    18. People who do this to get the waiter's attention.

    19. People who treat dinner like it's some kind of game.

    20. People who have trouble transporting food from their plates to their mouths.

    21. People who are filled with rage.

    22. People who say this:

    23. People who force you to order dessert so they feel less guilty.

    24. People who are turds about splitting the check.

    25. People who don't understand tipping.

    26. Cats, in general.