Here's A Genius Trick For Making A Fancy Chalkboard Sign

    I tried a bunch of methods and found the best one!

    Fancy chalkboards at weddings are a major trend right now.

    But writing perfectly on a chalkboard doesn't always come easily.

    So I tried a number of the tips recommended on Pinterest and found the easiest way to do it.

    First, print out whatever words or design you want on your chalkboard.

    Then turn the paper over and rub the area where the text is with a graphite stick.

    Tape the paper, graphite side down, to your chalkboard and trace over the outline of the text/design with a pencil.

    When you remove the paper, your design will be visible on the chalkboard.

    Using a chalkboard marker, trace and fill in the design.

    Here's how it turned out:

    Nailed it!