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    Cute Puppies And Kitties And My Trip To Mexico

    Spoiler Alert: There are no puppies or kitties, and I did not go to Mexico... But that donkey is ADORABLE!

    Typically, I try not to get too terribly political on Facebook. It's a great platform for "dropping by" to see what friends and their kids are doing, but political posts, like politics in general, seem only to divide and incense. If Facebook purports to be just another means of communication in Correspondence 2.0, then political posts are a closed door to that exchange. Let's be honest. What self-respecting democrat or republican said to herself after seeing something from the other side, "Gee, they have a point!" Believe me, I suffer no delusions that this little piece of writing will result in the building of any bridges of understanding either. All this being said, I have been known to make my liberal leaning known from time to time. Let's just get that out there in the open. Yep, I'm a left leaner. And you can blame what I'm about to write on that.

    This essay was inspired by a post I recently saw on a friend's wall depicting a handgun next to the Holy Bible with the caption : "Two things every American should know how to use...neither of which are taught in schools." At the time, I respectfully disagreed with that person and didn't make any more of a fuss, but now, with the passage of the School Sentinel Law in South Dakota and the proliferation of the "like if [enter pro-gun statement here]," I simply can't go any longer without going political with a post. Actually, this is not so much political as it is simple common sense. But first, let's get one thing straight. I DO NOT WANT TO TAKE YOUR PRECIOUS GUNS AWAY! In fact, I really don't care whether you have a gun or not. But please, please, please stop posting as Sally Christian at 8:00 and Suzy Shoot-Em-Up at 3:15. Do none of you realize how contradictory you are being? Have you read the New Testament? I assure you, Jesus was not a big believer in "shoot now, forgive later." "Judas, get your lips away from me and no one gets hurt!" So why is it that those that are proudly posting their membership to the Best-Christian-Ever Club on Facebook are almost always the same individuals calling for retribution and bloodshed in the name of self-defense. An eye for an eye? Yeah, that was the Old Testament. What does the New Testament have to say about that? Matthew 5:38-39 "Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also."

    Again, keep your guns. Play with them. Use them. Or lock them away to collect dust. I really don't care what you do with them. I know you are probably thinking I actually do, but really, I seriously don't. America is armed to the teeth and that's the way it will always be. Just keep them out of our schools. (Yes--big shock--I would rather send my daughter to an unarmed school than an armed one, where it is certain that there are guns on the premises.) And please, please, please! Take a look at your wall. If there are quotes from both Jesus and Charlton Heston, then you might be contradicting yourself. Better yet, let Facebook do what it is good at: making your friends jealous that you are in Mexico and they are not. Don't let it be your soapbox and your pulpit at the same time. I'm begging you! I would like to add that I am all in favor of arming our schools and my home with Chuck Norris