Paid Post

11 Reasons San Diego Is Football Heaven On Earth

Calling all angels — illegal formation. Don't head to a playoff party without a heavenly food. Try one of these game day snacks from Pillsbury.

1. It's never a bad day for football in San Diego.

69 degrees in the heat of summer? 51 degrees during the polar vortex? Sounds lovely.

2. And the fans are total animals.

3. San Diego also has panda power!

4. Football players aren't the only ones who suit up.

Because Comic-Con in San Diego is one amazing, costumed affair.

5. Over-the-line is their off-season pastime.

6. California burritos are the ultimate fuel.

Physicists have even theorized that the California burrito may be the key to propelling a rocket with a human payload to Mars.

7. And craft brew is the beverage of champions.

8. You can occupy all non-game days with farmers markets and food trucks.

9. Award-winning San Diego news anchor Ron Burgundy reportedly "crashes" the team's practices on a regular basis.

10. Because in San Diego, when the clock runs out...

...and the lights power down...

...the beach will still be there.

11. And guess what? You can enjoy it year-round.

Cruise on over to your playoff party with a pizza as cool as San Diego.