17 Pics That You'll Be Like "That's Me As A Dad!"

    Dad to the bone.

    1. You getting the kids ready for school in the morning.

    2. You bringing your kids to class.

    3. You playing with your kids in the backyard.

    4. You taking care of your kids' loose teeth.

    5. You visiting the zoo with your kids.

    6. You never taking an eye off your kids when you're out together.

    7. You placing a high value on physical closeness.

    8. You going on weekend outings with your kids.

    9. You playing together.

    10. You teaching your kids about healthy dietary choices. Vegetables are important.

    11. You helping your kids break the habit of drinking from a bottle.

    12. You picking your kids up when life gets them down.

    13. You spending quality time with your kids.

    14. You organizing exciting birthday parties.

    15. You communicating the importance of hygiene.

    16. You giving your kids a sense of security.

    17. (Until they hit their teens.)