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    9 Steps To Make Your Garden Lawn Like Wembley

    I mean who wouldn't want your garden to look like Wembley?

    Plush green grass, the echoes of history reverberating about the place, the palpable sense of the presence of legends and icons from years gone by.

    Anyway, that's enough about White Hart Lane. Wembley is alright as stadiums go; it's big, has plenty of toilets (and what self-respecting enormo-dome doesn't use that as a yardstick of greatness?) and exists purely to validate people like Bon Jovi and Meatloaf. Oh, and some chaps run around it to the general disappointment of the watching, frothing oafs in attendance every now and then.

    But if there is one thing Wembley does have (and there is only one thing Wembley does have) it is a ruddy lovely patch of grass slap bang in the middle of it. What else could you possibly spend £750 million on?

    If, for some strange reason, you feel obliged to ruin your perfectly adequate lawn in order to replicate said patch of grass then these steps will send you scampering in the right direction.

    Lay Down Some Grass

    Sit Back & Relax

    Grass doesn't grow to your schedule ok? It won't sprout up just because you've got a BBQ coming up and you want to impress Joan and Simon from up the road because Simon has just got one of those fancy gas-powered BBQ's that has a separate section for spatchcocked chickens and an in-built cooling rack and hasn't stopped talking about for like six months. So just forget it. Stop being so self-involved. And tell Simon no one cares.

    Call In An Expert

    Look At Your Resplendent Lawn

    Get The Right Look

    Paint The Lines

    Have Another Look

    You know that look you had earlier. Yeah…that wasn't enough. Do it again, but with a bit more sincerity, safe in the knowledge people will one day write about what you have achieved.

    Get The Wembley Vibe

    One Last Step…