The Guardian's Website Keeps Making Unfortunate Picture Errors

    It's because of a browser error, and will "hopefully" be fixed this week when the website is updated.

    Some readers of were surprised to see this picture next to a headline for an article by sex columnist Pamela Stephenson Connolly today.

    Some mistake surely by the @guardian website's picture editor

    As well as this unfortunate thumbnail for a story from Sunday about Britain's first female bishop.

    @julesmattsson @rickburin @PMCallaghan @guardian And yesterday.

    The Guardian's website editor, Janine Gibson, explained that the error was a bug affecting people using Safari, and will be fixed as part of a new site rollout on Wednesday.

    There's a bug in our Safari browser rendering of pictures which will be gone with the rollout of new website on Wednesday. (1/2)

    Of course, The Guardian isn't the only news brand to do this kind of thing...

    @julesmattsson @PMCallaghan not just the @guardian...