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10 Little Rules That Should Be In Everyone's Life Manual

Most of us are guilty of breaking some of these. If life had an owner's manual, these rules would definitely be in there. Watch what happens when one man lives by the book, and the other ignores it on AMC's new show, Owner's Manual, on August 15th at 10 p.m.

1. Don't leave delivery guys horrible tips.

2. Never "reply all" on a mass email.

3. Put your phone away at dinner.

4. Don't eat stinky leftovers in a crowded office

5. Don't post unattractive photos of your friends.

6. Don't attempt to cook a quesadilla at 4 a.m.

7. If someone is far away, don’t hold the door for them.

8. When you go to a small party, don’t bring 10 people that the host doesn’t know without asking.

9. Don't just text someone "hi."

10. If you're sitting next to someone on a train listening to headphones, don't strike up a conversation.

Watch Owner's Manual to watch two guys battle it out.