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    The "Doctor Who"/"Nightmare Before Christmas" Mash-Up You Always Wanted

    What's this! What's this? There's Doctors everywhere! What's this? There's angels in the air.

    DeviantArtist MIchaelthePure has created an amazing assortment of Doctors, companions, and creatures in the style of the great Tim Burton film, The Nightmare Before Christmas.

    The Fourth Doctor

    The Fifth Doctor

    The Sixth Doctor

    The Seventh Doctor

    The Eighth Doctor

    The War Doctor

    The Ninth Doctor

    The Tenth Doctor

    The Eleventh Doctor

    Clara Oswald

    A Cyber(dead)man

    A Weeping Angel

    One Last Adventure

    Thank this artist with all your might!

    Who else would you like to see in NIghtmare style?