19 Nightmares All Introverts Never Want To Experience

    I love humans, I just don't love the noise they make.

    1. You're in class and your teacher goes, "Alright everyone. Let's split up into groups of four."

    2. You just bought yourself red wine and brie cheese, getting ready for a Netflix night, and then your best friend hits you up and goes, "WE'RE GOING CLUBBIN'!!!"

    3. You invite two of your friends over for a hang out, only to have one of them say, "Hey, is it cool if I invite a couple of other people? They're really cool."

    4. You're eating by yourself at a restaurant, and then someone from your old high school recognizes you from a distance.

    5. An old acquaintance, who you haven't spoken to in forever, calls you up and asks if they can stay with you for a weekend.

    6. You're in a crowded bar.

    7. You're enjoying a really good book and then your phone rings.

    8. You're riding on the train and then some ungodly person starts talking to you.

    9. When you're on the bus and then a group of obnoxious high school freshman get on and start screaming.

    10. You're at an empty, quiet movie theater, sitting all by yourself and then someone walks in two seconds before the movie starts.

    11. You're sitting at home in your PJs, chillin,' and then your aunt and uncle arrive at your house with their entire family WITHOUT calling first.

    12. You're getting a hair cut and your stylist CAN'T. STOP. TALKING.

    13. While on a date with your crush, you discover s/he loves attending social functions.

    14. You're at a family gathering and there are no areas for quiet refuge ANYWHERE.

    15. Your internet goes down, forcing you to call your service provider to make a complaint.

    16. After declining a friend's Facebook invite to their party, they confront you out on the street.

    17. You're desperately trying to leave a party in an extremely crowded house but your ride is an extrovert who likes people.

    18. A friend asks you, "Whatchu doing today?" And you're like, "Going to see a movie." And they're like, "Oooh. Can I come?"

    19. And finally, you return back to your apartment after a long, hard day at work only to walk into a surprise party.