Proof That Pitbull Might Be A Mathematical Genius

    Uno, dos, tres... tres.

    Fun fact: Pitbull really knows everything about the number three. So I asked him a bunch of questions:

    Pitbull, what's 1 + 2?

    How many sides does a triangle have?

    How many little pigs were there?

    What's the first odd prime number?

    What is the only integer between e and π?

    Solve for x: 12 + x – 4 + 5 + 67 + 8 + 9 = 100

    How many Musketeers were there?

    In the Yerkes spectral classification scheme, what Roman numeral represents a giant star?

    Answer this with a happy face: The Greek Gods ruled over how many kingdoms?

    Answer this with a serious face: According to the Pythagoreans, what was the first male number?

    What is the atomic number of lithium?


    Oh, wait. Never mind.