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19 Thoughts Only Bad Catholics Would Understand

OMG. I'm going to hell.

1. Your main thought during Mass: "I'm hungry. Is this almost over?"

2. "Is it me or is the church choir performing REALLY bad today?"

3. When listening to the priest delivering the homily: "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"

4. On Friday during Lent: "Steak or Salad?... Steak."

5. On Sunday: "Go to church or sleep in?... Sleep in."

6. "Will anyone notice if I mumble through the Rosary?"

7. "If we never go to church throughout the year, why do we have to go on Christmastime?"

8. When doing the traditional Catholic ceremonies during Christmastime: "Are we doing this for the sake of faith or for the sake of tradition?"

9. When drinking alcohol: "If Jesus approved of wine, then I'm sure he'll approve of me chugging it."

10. "Does the priest truly care about my confession or is he just phoning it in?"

11. "Do I reeeeeeeeeally have to wait till marriage before having sex?"

12. "Is it bad that I can't remember a single passage from the Bible?"

13. When it comes time to kneel during Mass: "What would happen if I just don't do it?"

14. When Benedict XVI was Pope: "This Pope kinda sucks. John Paul II was better."

15. "What am I giving up for Lent? How about... nothing. Sorry Jesus."

16. When going to CCD as a kid: "I don't know what I'm doing here. I just want to know what a Communion wafer tastes like."

17. When taking the Communion wafer for the first time: "This... doesn't taste like anything. Not gonna lie, kind of a let down."

18. And when the wafer would stick to the top of your mouth: "The body of Christ is really sticky."

19. "It's OK. I'll just confess on Sunday."