18 Things You Should Never Say To A Pizza Lover

    "Wanna get some 'za?"

    1. "We ran out of pizza."

    2. "Hey guys! We brought Little Caesars!"

    3. "There's this great vegan pizza spot we should totally try out."

    4. At 11:01 p.m.: "Oh. They only deliver until 11:00 p.m."

    5. "If it's OK with you guys, I'm taking the last slice."

    6. "OK GUYS! Pizza's here. But you can only have two slices each."

    7. That one person in your friend group: "Ugh. I had pizza last night. Let's get something else."

    8. "Pizza is so overrated."

    9. "L.A. PIZZA IS THE BOMB."

    10. "So what's better? New York thin crust or Chicago deep dish?"

    11. "Can you pass the guac? I want my pizza Cali-style."

    12. "You want to get some 'za?"

    13. "You want to get a pizza cone?"

    14. Cashier: "OK. One slice of cheese pizza. That'll be $6.57."

    15. "You should try soaking up the grease with a napkin. That can't be good for you."

    16. "Oooh. Let's get broccoli as a topping!"

    17. With some side eye and a hint of douchiness: "Are you eating pizza for breakfast?"

    18. "I hate pizza."

    Pizza is not just food. Pizza is life. If you hate pizza, you're hating life.