Can You Get Through This Post Without Drooling For A Mixiote?

    Brace yourself for images of extremely tender meat.

    It's time we honor a very underrated Mexican dish that got us through many weddings, baptisms, and quinceañeras. I'm talking about el mixiote:

    So, what is el mixiote? It's chicken, pork, or lamb that's cubed and wrapped individually in parchment (paper made with processed animal skin) or maguey leaves. This wrapped meat is then slow-cooked in a pit or an oven for two to three hours.

    The wrapping traps the juices, ensuring an extremely juicy and tender meat.

    Opening the mixiote is like opening a gift on Christmas morning.

    You'll get a huge whiff of rich spices and chilies. The meat falls apart almost immediately because it's so goddamn tender.

    Add in some rice and beans on the side and BOOM! You've got yourself a dish that's served in heaven's kitchen.

    If you really want to take it over the top, add some salsa verde. You will cry tears of joy.

    Or just cascade the tender meat onto a corn tortilla and have yourself a taco.

    Mixiotes are difficult to come by but if you're lucky, you can find them in some Mexican restaurants.

    But TBH, my aunts make some bomb ass mixiotes and no others will ever compare. Sorry :(

    So be careful about serving mixiotes at your next family gathering, because they will steal the show and make everything else seem small and insignificant.