23 Tweets Only People Who Play "Minecraft" Will Understand


    1. When you come home from a long day of mining only to find this:

    Came home to a creeper taking over my house #minecraftproblems

    2. When you go to sleep thinking the Creeper will be gone when you wake up...:

    Pure fear from your kitchen window… #minecraft #minecraftproblems #creeper

    3. ... but it's not:

    Still… there… #minecraft #minecraftproblems #creeper

    4. The struggle of mining for eight hours straight and not finding a single thing:

    “@HammerOfFacts: You never know how close you are #nevergiveup ” #MinecraftProblems

    5. When you plant a torch in a super-dark cave only to find this:

    These things!!! Creepers... #minecraftdiary #minecraftproblems

    6. But seriously, those diamonds...:

    Everyone that's miner or has ever mined know the struggle #minecraftproblems please RT to help a miner in need.

    7. Not knowing what to do with your awesome creation after spending countless hours building it:

    Still don't know what to do with this room, its sat empty for 2 years now... lol #Minecraft #Minecraftproblems #gamer

    8. When "sleeping on it" wont help AT ALL:

    I ain't gon' listen på den där skiten. Är ja trött så ä ja trött. #minecraftproblems

    9. When lava RUINS. EVERYTHING:

    Hey look diamonds...oh wait it's the end of the world so you can't mine them #MinecraftProblems

    10. LAVA...

    I really need to stop playing with lava xD #MinecraftProblems

    11. ... IS...

    Hahah.. Learned this the hardway! #Minecraft #minecraftproblems

    12. ... THE WORST.

    13. When you're in the middle of a building project and the sun starts setting:

    14. When you've been mining deep underground for hours and then this happens:

    15. When you spend 12 hours thinking you've built the greatest house ever:

    “@gammagamers: #TrueStory #MineCraftProblems ” story of my life

    16. When playing around with TNT on Minecraft destroys your actual computer:

    The reason I'm no replying to anyone right away. So sorry. #minecraftproblems

    17. When you thought it was a good idea to build a fireplace in your home:

    A miners worst fear. Griefing himself.. (Not on purpose) #MinecraftProblems

    18. When you quite literally dig yourself into a hole:

    I'm stuck and I can't get out... #minecraftproblems

    19. Saplings:

    When the saplings on your tree farm don't grow.... #minecraftproblems

    20. That moment when you think you're safe and then you see Enderman:

    Sooo I think most of my subs will know that this is soooo me during the MM Series 😂 #MinecraftProblems

    21. And finally, when you start looking at the real world...

    I just went downstairs and was like Why is there a monster spawner in there? #minecraftproblems #isthisreallife

    22. ...as if...:

    Dammit, left the rendering distance on low again. #MineCraftProblems

    23. ...you are Steve: