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The Clueless Dad's Guide To Painting Your Daughter's Nails

Important dad information ahead. Sometimes, being a dad gives you the opportunity to be more like your daughter. If you think that's amazing, wait until you see what Convos With My 2-Year-Old and Nissan did #withdad.

These are fingernails. Your daughter wants to put stuff on them for some unimaginable reason.

Sure, it sounds pointless, but you have to do it because it makes her really happy.

  1. Ready?


    You can do this.

This is nail polish. It comes in little bottles and is more expensive (per ounce) than crude oil.

First rule of Daddy Salon is that only you may possess the polish. You want to avoid the inevitable "little human wavy arms knocking over bottles" thing if at all possible.

If you're in a hurry, you could just take that tiny brush and cover all her nails in one swoop. Just start in the middle and work your way towards the edges.

Done. Task complete. Mission accomplished. End of transaction.

But your little girl is a princess... and a princess's nails aren't boring.

Try to think of it like art class.

You could draw little butterflies or flowers in there.

Mix it up! You don't have to make each nail the same.

Maybe try some leopard patterns by drawing a few circles with a darkened interior.

You can doodle on the nails with a marker, and it will look extra cool.

  1. You're having fun, aren't you?



If either of you make a mistake (you will), grab roughly 3 million cotton balls from the bathroom.

Add some nail polish remover (also known as acetone) and wipe away.

Just so you know, rubbing alcohol will NOT remove the nail polish.

When her nails are finished and she's screaming with joy, make sure you give them about 20-30 minutes to dry. Also, try not to let her touch stuff.

When her nails are all finished, she'll probably go show Mommy.

  1. Which means Mommy will probably kiss you for being amazing.


    Yes. Yes it is.

If you think that's amazing, wait until you see what Convos With My 2-Year-Old and Nissan did #withdad.

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