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11 Thoughts We All Have During A Breast Exam

Don't worry, you're not alone. Help Nine West fight breast cancer by uploading a pic wearing blue shoes on Instagram or Twitter using #9WFTBC.

1. So, will the nurse judge me if I don't fold my clothes?

2. This just looks like a weird thin blanket with strings.

3. OK, so, can you please stop asking me if I have gone on any good dates recently?

4. How does one look graceful while they wait in a paper gown?

5. Why did I buy all of those vegetables from the farmers' market?

6. YOW! Cold hands! Cold hands!

7. Since you are touching my boobs, can I ask you what your first name is?

8. Do people really do this to themselves in the shower?

9. Quadrants? My breasts have quadrants?

10. Did I put deodorant on?

11. Most importantly though, can you tell me if the right is bigger than the left?

It's over – now go hunt for your socks. Ladies, make sure to get checked on the regular to help save the girls!