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14 Surprising Ways To Enjoy Chocolate Chip Cookies

Who DOESN'T want more chocolate chip goodness in their life? Celebrate the 75th anniversary of everyone's favorite cookie recipe with NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE®.

1. As confetti cookie bars.

2. As pizza.

3. With marshmallow snowmen on them.

4. As a pretzel.

5. And as cookie bars with COCONUT.

6. With ice cream in the middle.

7. Or cherry flavored filling inside the chocolate!

8. As bars with caramel and pretzels.

9. As mini snowballs.

10. As cupcakes.

11. With zucchini.

12. Rolled with oats and peanut butter.

13. As a PIE CRUST.

14. As cookie CUPS.

Celebrate the 75th anniversary of the chocolate chip cookie!

NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® chocolate morsels were invented 75 years ago, which brought the world its first taste of chocolate chip cookies.

Make all of these goodies and more with NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® chocolate chips.