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14 Refreshing Ideas For First Dates

Great first dates don't have to happen at fancy restaurants. Here are some sweet and exciting activities that are sure to take some of the pressure off and allow sparks to start flying. And to stay refreshed all summer long, enjoy the many flavors of NESTEA®.

1. Grab breakfast

2. Explore a playground

3. Pick some fruit

4. Go for a tandem bike ride

5. Make up new rules for chess

6. Make pizzas from scratch

7. Hit up all the photo booths in your area

8. Go to the beach

9. Search through old treasures at a flea market

10. Go on a "restaurant crawl"

11. Take a train to a different town for a day

12. Do a crossword puzzle on a Sunday in the park

13. Do something aquatic

14. Identify the constellations