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18 Ways To Survive Uni When You're Skint

University doesn't have to be all baked beans and grotty communal flats. Listen to NatWest and learn how to make your money stretch further.

1. Get paid to study

2. Slash the cost of watching TV

3. Kit out your computer on the cheap

4. Pack your own food

5. Create a budget

6. Ask for donatations for all those free lifts you've been giving

7. Vow never to pay full price for a book

8. If you're feeling a little unethical…

9. Get free books for your e-reader

10. Downgrade your food shop

11. Save on insurance costs

12. Cut your coffee costs

13. Sign up for money-saving websites

14. Get your furniture for free

15. Publish an e-book

16. Enter competitions

17. Fill out a Hc1 form while you're a student

18. Only take out the exact amount you want to spend

Let NatWest help you to organise your student finances, so you don't end up like Ben...

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