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This Is What I Think Of When I Pray

It's a lot of zooming out.

Many people ask why I would thank God for food grown and prepared by other humans. I like to respond by explaining how I like to "zoom out" in prayer.

Because I believe God is real, and I believe He's connected to every part of my day, this is what I like to think of when I pray.

Thanks for this. You know how I feel about grilled cheese.

And thanks for a chance to sit with someone I love. Help me to be quick to listen and slow to speak and quick to admit when I'm a jerk.

Help me to see every single person the way You do, someone made in Your image and someone who matters.

Never let me forget how privileged I am to have money to spend on food. Help me to use it wisely and to share.

Wherever I go today, help me bring hope to the hopeless and make the most of every opportunity — I know that is Your will.

Make me ever mindful of how much I owe everyone else — builders and farmers and teachers and soldiers and my own family.

Give me wisdom to understand my place in history and how I can in my own small way make my country a better place.

You amaze me with the beauty of this place. I know how incredibly special it is, and I want to take care of it.

Keep me humble and help me to remember how small I am and how big You are.

May I never stop marveling at the fact that I'm here on a planet I didn't make, in a house I did not build, eating food I didn't grow. I am grateful.

All of the glory is yours. Amen.