Tumblr Asks The Most Important Question About Nostrils Ever

    We went crazy trying to solve this Tumblr mystery.

    Tumblr user Stolenfruitsnack asked us this very important question that BLEW OUR MINDS:

    OMG! Do we actually have a dominant nostril?

    Yes — it's true! A lot of people have a dominant nostril that does most of the breathing.

    Not everyone experiences a nasal cycle.

    We won't really notice the nasal cycle.

    But there's still a way to check which nostril is dominant during the nasal cycle.

    The nasal cycle happens because of erectile tissue in your nose.

    What the hell is the purpose of the nasal cycle?

    A 1999 Stanford University study claims the nasal cycle helps us smell better.

    White believes the nasal cycle allows each of our nostrils to perform different functions.

    Here's another crazy theory: White thinks the reason why we have two nostrils in the first place is because of the nasal cycle.

    In conclusion, nobody really knows for sure why we have the nasal cycle, but there are a lot of different guesses.