25 Things You Smell At Every Music Festival

    The definitive ranking, from OK to hideous nightmare.

    25. Funnel cake

    24. Baby wipes

    23. Pizza

    22. Burning blunt

    21. Sunscreen

    20. Beer foam

    19. Dewy grass

    Best in the morning, after the cleanup crew has come through, before the crowds have ruined everything.

    18. Dry shampoo

    17. Water refill stations

    16. Camp stove fuel

    15. Dust

    14. Golf cart exhaust

    13. Armpit sweat

    12. Shoes caked in mud

    11. Damp shorts

    10. The inside of your baseball hat

    9. Fog machine

    A million fast-moving particles of heated "fog juice." Plus, encourages smokers.

    8. Soggy hay

    7. Recycling

    6. Compost

    5. Cigarette smoke

    4. A tent

    3. A fart in a tent

    2. Puke in a tent

    1. Hot port-a-potty