6 Small Magazines You Need To Start Reading Right Now

    The most exciting literary magazines being produced right now are being edited by and filled with awesome women. Who needs the old boys' club?

    From George Plimpton's Paris Review, which boosted Philip Roth and Jack Kerouac, to Gen X's PBR-soaked n+1 tomes, small literary magazines and the young men who run them have traditionally played an outsize role in America's cultural conversation. But this decade's new small magazines have made a sharp break from the past. Their topics may vary, but their tone is earnest and inclusive. They're completely comfortable in the new digital medium. They're driving a new intellectual conversation that exists not just at New York cocktail parties, but on Twitter. And they're mostly run by women, a deliberate reaction to a literary boys' club that stretches back pretty much forever. Here are a few that are required reading.

    1. The New Inquiry

    2. The American Reader

    3. Hazlitt

    4. Worn Journal

    5. Scratch

    6. Dissent