34 "Elf" Quotes That Never Get Old

    "Not now, Arctic Puffin!"

    1. Smiling

    2. Arctic Puffin

    3. Favorite Color

    4. Good News

    5. A Throne of Lies

    6. Sugar

    7. Francisco

    8. I Love You

    9. World's Best Coffee

    10. The Yellow Ones Don't Stop

    11. SANTAAAAA!!!!!!

    12. The Four Main Food Groups

    13. Angry Elf

    14. Happy Birthday

    15. Day Plan

    16. Asparagus Children

    17. Son of a Nutcracker

    18. In Love

    19. Christmas Card

    20. Beef and Cheese

    21. Santa's Workshop

    22. VCR

    23. Purpley

    24. Christmas Tree

    25. Crappy Coffee

    26. Whisper

    27. This whole conversation:

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    Reason To Use It Today:

    When you and your best friend are having a moment or bestfriendship.

    28. Singing

    29. Peach Vulnerability

    30. Not An Elf

    31. North Pole

    32. Cotton-Headed Ninny Muggins

    33. Butterfly Picture

    34. You Missed