29 Of The Toughest Parenting Questions Answered

    Shaming? Spanking? Circumcision? BuzzFeed Life asked parents where they stood.

    Do most people love their kids more than their spouse? When is the right time to let your kid have a cell phone? Do most people breastfeed? Last week, BuzzFeed Life published a survey using our very technical polling feature to find out where readers stood on some of the biggest parenting debates of today and around 117,000 people responded. So now you can finally know.

    1. Who do you love the most?

    2. To spank or not to spank?

    3. Is public shaming good parenting?

    4. How'd you feed your baby?

    5. Do you share photos of your kids online?

    6. How good of a parent do you think you are?

    7. How good of a parent do you think your partner is?

    8. At what age is it appropriate for a kid to get a cell phone?

    9. Co-sleeping, yes or no?

    10. Let's talk about vaccinations.

    11. Kids and screen time?

    12. Do you kiss your kids on the lips?

    13. Have you ever caught yourself repeating something your parents said to you?

    14. Where do you stand on circumcision?

    15. How do you deal with picky eaters?

    16. Let's talk about GMOs.

    17. Are you cool with underage drinking?

    18. Who has it harder?

    19. Cry it out?

    20. Home birth?

    21. Epidural or not.

    22. Do you have a favorite kid?

    23. Do you party in front of your kid?

    24. Who will teach your kids about sex?

    25. How's your relationship with your partner?

    26. How is your sex life?

    27. What's your ideal number of kids?

    28. What do you think of the Duggars?

    29. Do you judge other parents?