17 Wonderfully Hipster Baby Products All Parents Need

    Too cool for drool.

    1. Begin with a mason jar sippy cup.

    2. Add a dash of Andy Warhol.

    3. Mix in a longboard stroller.

    4. Don't forget the irony.

    5. Sustainable > Plastic

    6. Play-doh is so passe.

    7. It's never too early to start a pop culture education.

    All of the cool points are belong to you.

    8. Or bring the pop art to life.

    9. Just make sure their toys are as cool as yours.

    10. Knit caps are so mainstream.

    11. Flat pack the evidence until you can recycle it.

    12. Announce them in Helvetica.

    Get yours here.

    13. Every baby needs a v-neck.

    14. Get (or DIY) a teething bandana.

    15. Give them something solid to chew on.

    16. Get them some limited edition foot wear.

    17. Commemorate their birth with your own unique style.

    Custom announcement via The Mandate Press

    Your future baby: