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    The Entire Story Of Purim, As Told By Cat GIFs

    The festive Jewish holiday of Purim begins the evening of this Wednesday March 4th. The entire story of Purim, retold in the universal language of the web: the cat GIF.

    Meet King Ahasuerus.

    His wife Vashti made a party of her own.

    Ahasuerus called Vashti to join him at his party.

    But Vashti was like...

    Ahasuerus began to miss Vashti. So he held a beauty pageant.

    Then we meet Esther.

    Esther was chosen as Queen of Persia.

    Mordechai saves the day.

    Enter Haman.

    The decree was sent.

    Mordechai's request.

    Esther visits the king.

    Haman erects gallows for Mordechai.

    This was the beginning of the end.

    Ahasuerus hears from his chronicles.

    Haman must follow his own advice.

    The second party.

    King Ahasuerus was not pleased.

    The tables were turned.

    A new decree.

    The Jews defend themselves.

    The Jews Rejoice!

    Four ways to celebrate Purim:

    The end!