Jordyn Wieber Rage In One Chart

    Were Joydyn Wieber and athletes from Great Britain, China, and Russia robbed?

    At the Women's Olympic Gymnastic preliminaries, the current World Champion, Jordyn Wieber, came in 4th place out of 60 athletes. 24 athletes qualified for the all-around competition.

    Jordyn wasn't one of them.

    Why? Because of a "two-per country" rule that says only 2 athletes from one country can qualify for the all-around event. The rule was put in place to promote diversity and prevent a medal sweep.

    Basically, Jordyn came in 4th place and didn't qualify, while the person who came in 28th place did.

    The Women's Gymnastics leader-board:

    The 4 gymnasts that technically qualified, but will not be able to compete are:
