Inside The World's Greatest Miniature Village

    Basically unchanged since 1961, "Roadside America" is seriously something everyone should go to. It was truly an experience. I got chills.

    Roadside America is located in a town called Shartlesville, Pennsylvania.

    Some guy named Laurence Gieringer created everything in Roadside America by hand. BY HAND.

    It took him 60 years to do so.

    Now come inside...

    The display is 8,000 square feet.

    Since Gieringer died in 1961, basically nothing has been added or changed. The current display is maintained exactly the way Gieringer left it.

    All trees are hand-made. There are 10,000 of them.

    There are 3 different levels for viewing.

    There are buttons all around the exhibit that move objects or make sounds in the villages.

    The dioramas depict American life from the early pioneer days to the mid-20th Century (right up until Gierlinger passed away). Time basically stops in 1960.

    Here are some closeups of the intricate detail Gierlinger put into them.

    More Shartlesville!

    There's a waterfall.

    The absolute best part of Roadside America happens every-half-hour when there's a sound and light show. The show is unchanged since the 1950s.

    Here's some video I took of the light show:

    View this video on YouTube

    Oh and there's a little girl holding a cat and an ice cream cone.

    Update: Some of you guys have pointed out some of the cars being from a different time period. That is true and I was wrong. There are a few minor changes to the exhibit.

    FYI, we’re on a road trip to Bonnaroo. See all the stuff we’ve stopped at a long the way here!