Free The Leash Kids

    Please help.

    Below are real pictures of actual children on leashes. I can confirm there are no dogs in this post. The Leash-Free movement is upon us. Sign the petition here. Change can only happen with your help.

    1. Tabatha.

    2. Carl.

    3. Pacifier Jo.

    4. Leah.

    5. Dog Boy.

    6. Frankie.

    7. Stu.

    8. Marc.

    9. Deena.

    10. Lyla.

    11. Jeff.

    12. The Lemonade Kid.

    13. Reena.

    14. Patricia.

    15. Ralph.

    16. Larry.

    17. Phil.

    18. Hal.

    19. Jack.

    20. Tanner.

    21. Christina.

    22. The Unknown Fountain Twins.

    23. And lastly, those who are long gone and forgotten.