13 Things Everyone Who Has Survived Christmas Will Understand

    "Dear god, please get me through your kid's month-long birthday celebration."

    1. When a significant other plays this game:

    2. When someone pulls this move:

    3. When you have to give the world's worst fashion show:

    4. When you wish money actually did grow on trees:

    5. When you have to make small talk:

    6. When you don't realize how awesome good socks are yet:

    7. When your siblings get the better gifts:

    8. When you get something you know you'll never wear:

    9. When you go with the flow:

    10. When you're just not in the mood:

    11. When you don't care much for surprises:

    12. When you're trying your best, but you're human:

    13. And when you're ready for it to be over: