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The Definitive Ranking Of Diet Killers

All good diets must come to an end.

31. Opening a 100 Calorie Pack, and then another, and another (and another).

30. Goldfish crackers.

29. Giving in and having a hot dog at a baseball game.

28. Cheese.

27. A bowl of M&M's sitting on a counter and staring at you with puppy dog eyes.

26. Going to the Cheesecake Factory for their Skinnylicious menu and making a bad choice somewhere along the way.

25. Chipotle

24. Convincing yourself you can have a giant plate of pasta to carbo-load for a workout you don't end up having.

23. Cupcakes.

22. Shopping at Costco when all the samples are out.

21. When you snap at Starbucks and order a Frap with lots of whipped cream and chocolate.

20. "Fun-size" candy.

19. Mac 'n' cheese.

18. When you have nothing but diet food in the house and remember that a man will bring you egg rolls if you just pick up the phone.

17. Doritos.

16. Noticing a new Ben & Jerry's flavor in the frozen food aisle en route to the Lean Cuisines.

15. Movie theater popcorn.

14. Shopping at the mall when you catch a whiff of Cinnabon.

13. Bacon.

12. Passing a Taco Bell at 2 a.m. after a night out.

11. Driving past a Krispy Kreme at the very moment they turn on the "Hot Now" sign.

10. When it's the birthday of Earl from accounting and you'd look like a dick if you didn't have a slice.

9. This Cookie Butter crack they sell at Trader Joe's.

8. Whenever free, warm bread is put on your table at a restaurant, especially Red Lobster.

7. When your niece or neighbor's kid pressures you into buying their Girl Scout cookies.

6. McDonald's fries.

5. Alcohol.

4. Pizza.

3. Warm chips right out of the fryer at a Mexican restaurant.

2. Nutella.

1. Appetizers.