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School Today Vs. When We Were Kids

A lot has changed since the last bell rang.

Not paying attention, then:

Not paying attention, today:

Asking someone to prom, then:

Asking someone to prom, today:

Plagiarizing, then:

Plagiarizing, today:

Valentine's Day, then:

Valentine's Day, today:

Summer break, then:

Summer break, today:

Sitting on the carpet, then:

Sitting on the carpet, today:

Smoking pot, then:

Smoking pot, today:

Learning about your teacher's private lives, then:

Learning about your teacher's private lives, today:

Graduation, then:

Graduation, today:

Lunch, then:

Lunch, today:

Staying home sick, then:

Staying home sick, today:

Getting a bad grade, then:

Getting a bad grade, today:

Backpacks, then:

Backpacks, today:

When a teacher shows a movie, then:

When a teacher shows a movie, today: