Parenting As Told By "Anchorman"

    Stay classy, parents.

    1. When your baby is hungry:

    2. When you tell your kid it's bedtime and they lose their shit:

    3. When another parent tells you their trick for getting their kids to eat veggies:

    4. When you say goodbye to your kid on their first day of kindergarten:

    5. When your kid is going through your high school yearbook and discovers you were on a sports team, club, or something similarly awesome:

    6. When you're stuck having an awkward conversation with one of your kid's friends:

    7. When you have a date night and get to dress to the nines:

    8. When your kid asks you to take them to Chuck E. Cheese's:

    9. When you let your kid download a game on your phone:

    10. When your kid drops their first swear word:

    11. When your kid is throwing an epic tantrum:

    12. When your kids are playing Minecraft and suddenly get real loud:

    13. When you're super mad but can't swear in front of your kids:

    14. When you order your kid a milk and they don't even take a single sip:

    15. When your kid is running around without wearing any pants:

    16. When you drop the ultimate insult on your five-year-old:

    17. When your kid tries to dress themselves:

    18. When your baby walks for the first time:

    19. When you read the comments section of a post on a parenting issue like breastfeeding or vaccinations:

    20. When you look over and see your toddler somehow climbed onto the kitchen table:

    21. When you don't get a chance to dry your hair before you have to drop your kid off at school:

    22. When your kid asks you a question and you don't want to admit you don't know the answer:

    23. When you let your kids know exactly how you feel about them: