29 Tweets That Perfectly Capture What It's Like To Be A Single Parent


    1. When you have to be good cop AND bad cop:

    #SINGLEMOMLIFE Discipline my son. He throws a tantrum. He calms down. He's forced to come to me for comfort afterwards. #imgoodcopandbadcop

    2. When you know it doesn't matter how things get done as long as they get done:

    Feeding my son leftover burrito during his bath #singledadlife #OnFleek

    3. When "date night" is a little different than it used to be:

    4. And when your kids have ideas about your dating life:

    G: I don't want you to get a boyfriend Me: Do you want me to be alone forever? G: Well...you got Beaux #singlemomlife

    5. When things could be awkward, but you don't let them be:

    Being the only mom at tball practice. 👍 #singlemomlife

    6. When your kid gets sick:

    Day 4 with a sick kid. Winning in the cuddles department. Losing on the "getting anything else done" front. #singlemomlife

    7. And when you get sick:

    Really not feeling well, but there are no sick days. Being a mom. #singlemomlife

    8. When you realize your parenting skills are off the charts:

    When you can use the bathroom while holding baby in your arms. #skills #singlemomlife

    9. When you're having one of those days:

    It's been one of those days! #isitbedtimeyet #zen #SingleMomLife

    10. When your kid is gone and you feel a little lost:

    The kid is at a sleepover for his first time and I can't find anything to do #singledadlife

    11. When you get skunked:

    Literally everyone including my mom said no to babysitting. Guess I'll be missing my friends birthday. #SingleMomLife

    12. And when you're like 🙏:

    Got a babysitter for the weekends! ! Thank God!!! #singlemomlife

    13. When you have to answer the tough questions:

    Explaining to C that mommy and daddy don't live together because he's talking and asking questions 😖 wow... #singlemomlife

    14. And when you do what you have to do:

    school closing means 120 Miles to grandmas and back on icy roads so I can make 72 bucks Then another 120 miles after work. #Singledadlife

    15. When you don't let anything stop you from reaching your goals:

    #faugrad @fauselfie @FAUpresident #singlemomlife

    16. When you come to this truth:

    I like being single. I get more shit done when I'm not worrying about anybody but me and my son #singlemomlife

    17. When "me time" comes with a chaser of chores:

    Watching Platoon and folding laundry at the same time. #singledadlife

    18. And when you don't want the "me time" to end:

    Everyday I say I need to get to bed earlier and every night I look at the clock and its 11:30/12:00, where does the time go?! #singlemomlife

    19. When you're a tad rusty in the partying department:

    When people hit you up to party, and the only parties you ever have are with chucky cheese #SingleMomLife #LoveIt

    20. When your kid reminds you why you do it all:

    I almost balled like a little bitch when I pulled this out of my little boy's backpack. #shitgetsreal #singledadlife

    21. When you really aren't asking for much:

    I wish I could at least grocery shop in peace ugh 😩#singlemomlife

    22. When you date people who don't get your priorities:

    #singlemomlife 💁🏼 pretty much lol

    "Of course her kids come before you! Hell, her kids come before her!"

    23. When you have a right to be proud (and a little snarky):

    GRADUATION DAY!🎓 I'd like to thank my son's dad for teaching him how to tie a tie. His dad's name is @YouTube Haha! #imabitch #singlemomlife

    24. When there's no one but you to kill spiders:

    Found in the window sill right above my pillow, just as I'm headed to sleep. Eeek! Woah is me! #singlemomlife

    25. And worse:

    two tarantulas to take care of now. #singleDadLife HAHA

    26. When you wish your friends understood your situation a little better:

    More than getting out of the house without my kids, I need invitations to include my kids. #singlemomlife

    27. When you amaze even yourself with what you can do:

    don't tell me you "can't" when I just took two kids under the age of 6 to a salon by myself for 1 1/2 hrs. #singlemomlife 💪💪

    28. When you have the right attitude:

    This ain't the #Titanic. Just stay afloat #life #PTSD #singlemomlife #BAMLIFE #survivor #survive… https://t.co/Y4v2oSiuwH

    29. And this, definitely this: