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10 Completely Badass Equations

What makes something totally badass? Just do the math. And for more badassery, check out A Good Day to Die Hard when it hits theaters on February 14th.

1. John McClane = (Dirty Harry + Roy Rogers) / 2 + ⅛ Kojak

2. Sarah Connor = Bear Grylls + (Lara Croft - Money)

3. The Batman = Manic Depressive Millionaire - Parents + Justice

4. Seal Team Six = 300 Spartans + Ninjas - bin Laden

5. Vladimir Putin = (Ivan Drago + Boris Badenov)/2 + √(Richard Branson + [-1 x James Bond])

6. Beatrix Kiddo = Revenge + work ethic

7. Sergeant Stubby = Rin Tin Tin + Rambo

8. Mr. T = Muhammed Ali x A Junkyard Dog - [(jibber jabber) + (pity for fools)]

9. Disco Fries = (Potatoes + cheese + gravy) - living past 40.

10. Tom Brady = Man - Flaws

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