19 Crazy Lies People Actually Believed When They Were Kids

    Pool chemicals make the water change colour when you pee in it.

    Reddit user, PsychedelicMovement, decided to ask Reddit to share the things they were told as kids that they believed in for way too long.

    1. The lie that was deliciously disappointing:

    2. The lie that raised questions of genetics:

    3. The lie that forced truthful answers:

    4. The lie that caused an irrational fear of pigeons:

    5. The lie that meant less juice and more water:

    6. The lie that promoted cleanliness:

    7. The lie that taught against wastefulness:

    8. The lie that sparked questions of life itself:

    9. The lie that had good intentions:

    10. The lie that questioned mortality:

    11. The lie that gave food magical abilities:

    12. The lie that was kind of morbid:

    13. The lie that turned pizza into something unappetising:

    14. The lie that was horrifying:

    15. The lie that did too much:

    16. The lie that promoted good behaviour:

    17. The lie that gave instant gardening abilities:

    18. The lie that meant sleeping early:

    19. And the lie that is actually still pretty believable: