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21 Struggles Only People With Resting Double Chin Will Understand

Just call me 2chinz.

1. The only time anyone ever refers to a double chin as cute is when it belongs to an animal...

2. ...or an adorably happy baby.

3. Unfortunately, not all of us were lucky enough to grow into our chins.

When you get made fun of for having a double chin but you try to smile through the pain

4. You do whatever you can to make it less noticeable.

5. You've consulted the always helpful Yahoo Answers on how to get rid of it.

6. You've attempted neck and chin exercises, but felt too ridiculous to continue after about 10 reps.

7. You tried growing out your facial hair after hearing how well beards conceal excess chins.

8. You know either an eye-level or high camera angle works best for your face.

9. Because God forbid someone takes your photo from below.

10. Or worse, a candid shot of your profile.

11. And you know it's not easy to look good lying down.

12. Selfies especially require extra attention.

Most girls do this pose to act like they're princesses I do it to hide my double chin

13. You're guilty of using the Snapchat text bar to fix a less than flattering picture.

I like to use the text line on snapchat to cover up my double chin

14. And any photo you take without a double chin deserves a brief moment of celebration.

15. One positive is that you have pretty decent posture from always trying to keep your chin up.

16. When playing the "who can make the ugliest face" game, you usually come out on top.

17. You long for more positive representations of double chins.


18. Sometimes you forget about your chin situation, until you accidentally open your phone's front camera.

19. You've had days where you look in the mirror, and all you see is your double chin staring back at you.

20. But eventually you accept its presence, embrace it even.

Junior @JRS2326 continues to show her skills on&off the court. Congrats on holding a spoon w/ your double chin

21. And incase anyone makes fun of you for it, remember you have a weapon they don't.
