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19 Times Max The Bunny Was Filled With Silent, Murderous Rage

Gettin' real tired of your shit, Ruby.

1. When he had to move to a different part of the garden so Ruby could show her DOLLS how to plant marigolds:

2. When Ruby stopped him from fully ripping open his birthday present so they could use the wrapping paper to send a thank-you card:

3. When Ruby gave him a makeover and he came out looking like a Dragon Ball Z character:

4. When he was expected to dress like a goddamn sailor for Ruby's "fancy" party:

5. When he was hungry AF but Ruby kept putting him in the tub:

6. When all he wanted was to find his stuffed elephant before bed but Ruby tucked him in anyway:

7. When he listened to Ruby sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" and momentarily lost hearing in his right ear:

8. When Ruby dragged him with her to babysit because that's exactly how a young rabbit like Max wants to spend his day:

9. When Ruby tried to talk him into being a prince for Halloween because "grandma wouldn't give him candy if he dressed as a vampire":

10. When he was forced to play upstairs, just so Ruby could hear her friend Louise blab about some party over the phone:

11. When Ruby hung a "keep out" sign on her door to stop him from getting his hands on her "special" jewelry box:

12. When he wasn't allowed in Ruby's "clubhouse" because Louise was there, and you know Louise and her hot gossip:

13. When seven of Ruby's toys, including Mr. & Mrs. Quack, got to sit at grandma's birthday table, but not Max's jellyball-spitting spider or space cadet:


14. When he was enjoying the rain until Ruby, world's biggest killjoy, insisted he go inside:

15. When he wanted to go down the big bunny hill, but Ruby made him settle for the weak shit:

16. When Ruby woke him up for breakfast and served him a sunny-side up egg, even though he fucking hates eggs:

17. When all he wanted was for Ruby to take TWO SECONDS out of her "busy" day so she could grab him a Popsicle from the freezer he couldn't reach:


18. When his OWN SISTER tried to charge him a nickel for a glass of lemonade, and when he offered ants and acorn pancakes instead, she laughed in his fucking face:

19. And when he made this face before finally bringing an end to Ruby's miserable existence:

(I'm assuming)