16 Simple Studying Hacks To Help You Ace Your Next Exam

    Let's do this.

    1. Use a mnemonic device.

    2. YouTube it.

    Channels like CrashCourse take big topics and break them down into short, easy-to-understand episodes. (And there's an episode for just about every subject under the sun.)

    3. Download free apps to study on the go.

    Apps like Flashcards+ and Study Blue let you make and organize your own mobile flashcards and review sheets. Too much work? You can also browse through sets that others have already made.

    4. Caffeinate (in breaks!)...

    ... and pop some gum in between.

    5. Give your notes a makeover.

    You also learn more effectively when you write things out by hand – so ditch the laptop for a bit.

    6. Block distractions. Literally.

    7. Tackle small sections at a time...

    ...but don't procrastinate!

    8. Get loud.

    9. Switch up your space.

    10. Do the reading before the lecture...

    ...or power through lectures in half the time.

    11. Make a cheat sheet – even if you can't use it.

    And speaking of practice tests...

    12. Ditch the all-nighters.

    13. Choose the right soundtrack.

    14. Stick to your guns.

    15. Actually talk to your teachers.

    Plus, when they're grading later and you're on the cusp of an A or a B, it never hurts to have them like you.

    16. Treat yo' self.