35 Of The World's Rarest Animals

    All of the species on this list are critically endangered and will disappear entirely — unless drastic measures are taken to save them.

    1. Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat

    2. Pygmy Three-Toed Sloth

    3. Red-Crested Tree Rat

    4. Angel Shark (aka Squatina Squatina)

    5. Boni Giant Sengi (Formerly Known as an Elephant Shrew)

    6. Javan Rhino

    7. Plougshare Tortoise (aka Angonoka)

    8. Gooty Tarantula (aka Metallic Tarantula)

    9. Durrell's Vontsira (aka Salanoia Durrelli)

    10. Hainan Gibbon

    Watch this video and learn more about the remaining 23 Hainan gibbons:

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    11. Cuban Greater Funnel-Eared Bat

    12. Northern Bald Ibis

    13. Nelson's Small-Eared Shrew

    14. Roloway monkey

    15. Araripe Manakin

    16. Rio Pescado Stubfoot Toad

    17. Geometric Tortoise

    18. Jamaican Rock Iguana

    19. Spoon-Billed Sandpiper

    20. Luristan Newt (aka Kaiser's Spotted Newt)

    21. Vaquita

    22. Actinote Zikani

    23. Greater Bamboo Lemur

    24. Tarzan's chameleon

    25. Saola

    26. Red River Giant Softshell Turtle

    27. Dusky Gopher Frog

    28. Singapore Freshwater Crab

    29. Madagascar Pochard

    30. Hirola (aka Hunter's Hartebeest)

    31. Sumatran Rhino

    32. Parides Burchellanus

    33. Franklin's Bumblebee

    34. Common sawfish

    35. Tonkin Snub-Nosed Monkey